The Commitment Tracking System (System) has been designed and populated as a tool for Dominion Environmental Inspectors (EIs) and Construction Managers on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) Project. It identifies unique commitments pertaining to the construction phase of the ACP Project for those users based on the documentation provide to, and receive from Agencies and Regulators. This system should be used as a guidance tool and not relied on as a comprehensive and complete list of compliance measures.
Commitments captured in the System are those unique to ACP in terms of a specific location or distinctive activity that is not standard for other pipeline construction projects. The system does not include commitments that are non-unique industry standard measures such as those in the FERC Plans and Procedures, PHMSA Code, OSHA Code, DTI SOPs, etc. Special landowner commitments and operational, time-based commitments are not included in the database so as to avoid duplication with Doyle’s land database and DTI’s ECTS system respectively. Each individual road, railroad, utility, and foreign line crossing permit will be listed as a single commitment; individual requirements from those permits are not be captured.